Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Freezin A$$ cold

Them bastards got tricky throwing a nice warm day in the mix STRICTLY to confuse me.  NO, I'm not narcissistic, I just believe that it is all for ME or all against ME! ......I like to pretend that the the weather man makes up the weather and he alone decides what the temperature is going to be for that day, kinda like picking out your clothes....this way I have someone to be really PI$$ED at when the weather doesn't cooperate with me. It would be HORRIBLE to be all angry and not be able to direct it at SOMEONE!!  And trust me CHUCK DATIKA, if you and I ever cross paths, you will have some stories to tell!!!  I try to not get angry with people but how can one forgive the winter we had???  I CAN'T!! And now you're gonna tease me by giving me one day to tan, bbq, and watch my kids enjoy the sunshine...then you think you're gonna take it all away (what did I ever do to you?)  and you think you get to walk away scott free????....awww HELL NAWW!!!!!! Get the word out Chuck Datika...You and all your little sissy weather man friends are bout to get an old skool a$$ kickin FO SHO!..(pssst whispering to you), Hey guys, this wouldn't count as a death threat to Chuck Datika would it? I don't want the FBI on my a$$)


WHAT!!!!???  I'm just kidding, I don't want that weather mans "WARM FRONT!!!"