Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cam Carmen is a big fat liar!!!

Here's my take on these FAKE snowstorm warnings!  The news likes to heighten everything.... I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!!!!! After all, that's what gets us to watch it, right?...If they said "mild snow fall" instead of "STORM OF THE CENTURY" would you have watched it?.....Lets say that I accidentally shot myself in the foot and it showed up on the news (we will OF COURSE pretend that I didn't have my shoes on for this little example cause I don't wanna wreck them) would be said like this....."This just in, Former Opar to the prime minister of Egypt was brutally attacked by a barricaded gunman and is in critical condition".....First, I can barely spell "Egypt" let alone live there.  Second, yes, I used to be a nanny a few miles away from my house but not for anyone in the public eye. Third, I'm fine, I'm just stupid! ..NO thank you, NEWS, I'll pass.....I'll get my drama from reality T.V. THANKS!  Although, reality T.V.  is pretty fake too, it's still more real (or more fun) than the news! At least if I was on a reality T.V. show, they would make me out to be something fun, like a big ole tramp, that has 7 kids, from 9 different dads, and is now partying her a$$ off, while her children sell drugs from her one bedroom apartment in the projects.....I do have kids, but just 2 of them, they don't sell drugs yet, but I'm hoping that one day they can enter that promising field. Unfortunately, my kids have a dad and it's only one guy...I KNOW.... I KNOW... I should have driven around the block a few more times before I picked the car I was gonna drive forever!  Sadly, I'm not a tramp either.....but it sure would be  fun to play one on T.V. way more fun than being the prime ministers nanny! Therefore, Reality T.V. has my vote and the news is OUT!!!! 

P.S. This blog kinda made me realize that my life is a little dull.... I think I'm gonna spice it up a bit and Not cook dinner today.... I may not even vacuum....OH YEAH!!!!!  It feels SOOOO good to be this BAD!!!!