Wednesday, April 6, 2011

1,000 hits

My blog just passed 1,000 hits ..... Apparently, some people like stupid people that............

1. Ramble (So if yellow and blue make green what does pink and GLITTER make?)
2. Talk about NOTHING (which socks am I going to wear today...hmmm?)
3. Swear (SH!t, A$$, DAMMIT, DUMBA$$ ) <----that was fun, it was like MINI turrets...TRY IT!!!) 
4. Insult them (you know you're dumber than me, right? and plus, your hair looks kinda dumb like that)
4. Trail off into other things (Ooooh...LOOK A BIRD)
5. Act inappropriate (I can't add anything here as I do not wish to call myself out like that)
6. CAN'T COUNT (derr, I put 4 twice!)

Well, I'm glad you like it, I just wish my Creative Writing professor would have liked those things too, maybe then his dumbass would have given me a better grade than an A+....WHO DOES A GIRL HAVE TO SLEEP WITH TO GET A better....ohhh whoops WRONG CLASS!!!!!...Hang on, I know someone tried to sleep with the students.......(mumbling ONLY to myself)...which professor was that? ...hmmm.....Oh Oh OHHH, it was my "FILMS" professor that wanted "A$$ for an A" as I liked to call it ...he was so gross, he should have made an "A$$ FOR AN A" sign for above his door, he tried to sleep with everybody, he was so hard up! hahaha...he was the one that looked like "Colonel Sanders" too, no wonder he couldn't get a$$.... but he could get BREASTS...."CHICKEN BREASTS"...OMG, did I really just say that?!...hehehe.... that was so cheesy, I am ashamed of myself,  I'm so glad that I only said that in my head!............. I'm back, sorry I trailed off for a minute there! It was not my Creative Writing professor that wanted "A$$ for an A" it was my "FILMS" Creative Writing professor is the one that smelled like cigarettes and beer and I am sorry for the insult "Mr. Whatever your name is" you NEVER tried to sleep with your students. However, being you were so HIGH all the time, you may not have realized that you do owe me an apology.  As you were breathing down my neck telling me to rearrange my paragraphs, I had to hold my breath EVERY DAMN DAY,  cause you reeked of  POT and H2O...I never should have listened to YOU anyway...I'M CLEARLY SMARTER!  YOU CAN'T SMELL LIKE "H2O" DUMBA$$...... THAT'S WATER!!! I learned that in high school chemistry class...and they say if you don't use it you lose it..WELL.... I DIDN'T LOSE THAT ONE, NOW DID I??!!