Thursday, February 3, 2011

Super Hero to super ZERO!

So we are snowed in .....and I can admit when I'm wrong...SORRY Cam Carmen, I guess I insulted the news a little too quickly yesterday.....You JERKS were right, for once!  And so were my loved ones who told me to stock up on groceries...NO, I didn't listen..... why?  CAUSE I'M A REBEL LIKE THAT and plus, I know that all my neighbors stocked up, so I can just live off their common sense and continue to stroll through this life without a clue!

So being the rebellious domestic goddess that I am, I decided that we are having CRAZY WILD tacos for dinner (remember, I'm a rebel, we can't just have "regular" taco's, that's not rebellious) I cooked up all the ingredients and cut up the vegetables only to find that we are out of tortilla's, so I made them, FROM SCRATCH...(That's the first time I have ever made those...PAT PAT on my back) Now for dessert....Banana cream pie...YUM...I made the filling and decided to make the vanilla wafers from scratch, since I DON'T HAVE ANY OF THOSE IN THE HOUSE EITHER!!! (YES, I should have stocked up and next time I will listen, I promise) So I made my own vanilla wafers, FROM SCRATCH (That's the first time I have ever made those ...PAT PAT on my back again...nothing is getting in my way today) ...THEN, for the meringue on top.....DAMMIT....... I'm out of sugar...OH NO!!....I CAN'T MAKE MY OWN SUGAR!!!!. (no PAT PAT on my back, INSTEAD  it's... HEY IDIOT now what!!!)..Normally, I would have hopped into my car and whipped up to the grocery store really fast, but since we are in the middle of a blizzard.... I called one of my very best girlfriends that  lives 10 houses away and I asked her to loan me  1 cup of sugar...I drove down there through the heavy snow without a problem, after all ...♫ I'M SUUUPER MOM... DU DU DU ♫<-------sing that part like a superhero theme...PLEASE...C'mon..please.....DO IT DAMMIT!  Whatever...You're NO FUN! ...Back to my story, so I picked up the sugar ...then when I backed out of her driveway, I GOT STUCK!!!! ....stuck STUCK!!  NOT  "rock back and forth and you are out, stuck"  but  "OMG!  I REALLY need help, RIGHT NOW stuck!"  Thank god, this nice neighbor man was out shoveling his snow and another wonderful neighbor was also outside to push my stupid a$$ out of the DEEP rut I just created.....all the while, my sweet generous girlfriend sits in her warm cozy house at the window with her piping hot coffee, laughing hysterically.....Thanks friend!!!!!...........DARN IT!!!!!!  I was so proud of myself before that little mishap!!! Tomorrow is a new day!